Consulting Services

Kami menyediakan Jasa Konsultasi dan Advisory untuk mendampingi organisasi atau perusahaan dalam mengidentifikasi, menganalisa, memperbaiki dan mengevaluasi proses bisnis, sistem kendali perusahaan baik di level operasional dan strategik dan memberikan solusi yang efektif, efisien dan bisa di implementasikan dengan baik untuk dapat mencapai keunggulan yang kompetitif.

Consulting Services and Advisory – Project Management (PMO)

Project Management Maturity Analysis with P3M3

P3M3 (Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model) adalah model kematangan manajemen yang melihat ke seluruh organisasi tentang bagaimana perusahaan menjalankan  proyek, program, dan portofolionya. P3M3 bekerja dengan melihat keseluruhan sistem dan tidak hanya pada prosesnya.

P3M3 bertujuan untuk memberikan penilaian dan skor pengukuran untuk portofolio, program dan kegiatan terkait proyek dalam area proses yang berkontribusi untuk mencapai hasil proyek yang sukses.

Consulting Services and Advisory – Project Management (PMO)

Develop Project Management Office (PMO)

Organisasi Project Management Office (PMO) di dalam suatu perusahaan hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan perlunya pengelolaan multi proyek yang di tingkat proyek, program dan portfolio secara baik dan benar,  selaras dengan strategi korporasi yang diturunkan dari visi dan misi perusahaan. Oleh karena itu peran Organisasi PMO ini menjadi sangat penting dan vital.

Kami menyediakan jasa pendampingan terhadap organisasi atau perusahaan yang ingin membangun dan mengembangkan organisasi PMO di dalam perusahaan dari mulai Struktur, Tata Kelola (Governance) dan Tools.


Consulting Services and Advisory – Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)

Standard Operational Procedure (SOP)

SOP merupakan persyaratan standar ISO yang bertujuan memberikan pedoman kerja bagi pelaksana proses untuk menghasilkan bukti obyektif bahwa system telah diterapkan secara efektf dan SOP juga merupakan pedoman auditor untuk melakukan audit sistem.

Kami menyediakan jasa pembuatan Standar Operational Procedure (SOP) perusahaan atau organisasi yang berkualitas, praktis, dan informatif,


5. Project Planning

The foundation of a successful project is a realistic and sound project plan. This offering will help teams new to project management or those with large, complex projects where an independent review of the project approach and plans will help reduce the risk of project failure and identify additional efficiencies.

Gama Presisi Consultants can develop or facilitate the development of an achievable project plan, or components of the project plan, such as:

  • A project schedule
  • A communications management plan
  • A cost management plan using earned value
  • A risk management plan with a risk register documenting project risks, their analysis and responses
  • Risk identification and analysis using a tool such as affinity diagramming or nominal group technique
  • Schedule risk analysis using Monte Carlo analysis
  • The Work Breakdown Structure
  • A change management plan
  • A stakeholder management plan

A fast-track kickstart to your project could be a 1 day session with two of our consultants to build a Work Breakdown Structure and first draft schedule in software such as Microsoft Project. Longer assignments can include development of a risk management process specific to a program, portfolio or large project, followed by facilitating the identifying, analyzing and developing responses to project risks.

Gama Presisi Consultant consultants are also available on an hourly basis as facilitators for your planning session, for requirements identification, scope (WBS), integrating a vendor and client’s schedule, or for risk identification and response development. accountability and efficiency.

6. Project Audit

When things don’t appear to be going according to plan, an outside expert assessment will identify what you’re doing well, and what could be improved. Through interviewing stakeholders, team members, the project sponsor and the project manager - in addition to reviewing key project documents - this offering assesses the health of an in-flight project. Gama Presisi Consulting can conduct an independent evaluation of a process, project, program, or project portfolio. An audit can help identify reasons for a project stalling or failing, or it can document the results and processes used for a successful project that can be replicated in the future. Procept consultants can also audit a portfolio of projects to identify compliance, inconsistencies or weaknesses, or to identify next steps for improvement in project management processes.

Projects audits can be performed in the middle of the project as a regular health check to understand the current state of a project and increase the probability of project success. Or, an audit can be performed on a completed project to document and understand what went wrong (or what went right) for future projects.

Gama Presisi Consulting process for conducting Project Management Audits involves:

  • AUDIT PROGRAM PREPARATION - Identify client objectives and prepare audit plan.
  • INFORMATION GATHERING - Collect data which may include review of project documents, interviews, focus groups sessions, or online questionnaires.
  • DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS - Identify trends, causal relationships and correlations.
  • CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Draft report summarizing the findings and data analysis, and provide recommendations for immediate and long term improvements.
  • FINAL REPORT - Final report and presentation incorporating management’s response to the draft report.

Projects or project organizations are often audited to identify reasons for budget and schedule overruns. A project or project process audit will identify project management weaknesses and recommend specific targets for improvement. If implemented, the recommendations typically improve the governance framework within which projects operate, which improves accountability and efficiency.

Gama Presisi Consulting Company (GAPC) adalah Perusahaan Konsultan Manajemen berbasis di Indonesia yang menjadi mitra strategis perusahaan dan organisasi dalam membangun dan mengembangkan kompetensi sumber daya manusia melalui Pendidikan, Pelatihan (Training) dan Sertifikasi.

Centennial Tower, Level 29 Unit D-E, Kav. 24-25 –Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto No.27, Karet Semanggi, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan. 12950.

Tel: 0821 2500 1248
Tel: 0812 8188 2049

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